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Supply Chain Legal Issues

Our supply chain lawyers take a holistic approach to ensuring your supply chain is managed in its entirety and complexity.

Supply chains are under the spotlight. Recent geopolitical and economic headwinds are driving an increased focus on strengthening and transforming supply chains, with pressure mounting from a multitude of angles:

  • political pressure to reconfigure supply chains to ensure strategically important industries (near shoring)
  • increased scrutiny of fair supply chains and compliance with ESG standards
  • a need to digitally transform to better anticipate, mitigate and document supply chain issues
  • rethinking of purchasing and supply strategics due to shortage of (raw) materials and price increases
  • industry cooperations for new approach to procurement

Our supply chain lawyers take a holistic approach to ensure your supply chain is managed in its entirety and complexity, and ready for the future.

Latest supply chain legal insights and analysis:

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