Corinna Baldi | Hamburg | Hogan Lovells

Corinna Baldi

Associate Intellectual Property, Media, and Technology


German, English, French


Corinna Baldi
  • Overview
  • Experience
  • Credentials
  • Insights and events

Corinna Baldi provides advice on intellectual property law and litigation with special focus on patent law.

She assists our clients in all aspects of patent law and advises on IP-related contracts, such as license agreements, research and development agreements or cooperation agreements. Corinna represents clients in patent disputes, has successfully conducted settlement negotiations and is constantly involved in matters of both preliminary injunction and main infringement proceedings. She guides clients on legal and strategic issues relative to the development and market introduction of new products, including freedom-to-operate analyses. In addition, Corinna advises on the intellectual property aspects in corporate transactions.

Corinna gained first insights into patent law focusing on pharmaceutical and technology patents working for an international law firm in Munich after her First State Exam. Prior to choosing patent law as her favorite, she broadened her knowledge in other fields of Intellectual Property Law including competition and copyright law.

Corinna completed parts of her law studies in Paris, France, where she acquired the Master 1 Degree (Maîtrise en Droit) majoring in European Law. This background in French and European law helps her to easily understand larger contexts and comes in handy with the newly created Unified Patent Court (UPC).

Representative experience

Advising an international aircraft equipment supplier in patent infringement proceedings relating to aircraft power supply systems.

Advising a German battery cell manufacturer on the introduction of updated manufacturing processes by providing a freedom-to-operate analysis.

Advising a German institute for scientific research on several national and international co-operation agreements.

Advising a global manufacturer of electronic power converters, in particular with regard to litigation risks associated with the construction of a plant in Germany.

Advising an infrastructure service provider on the drafting of contracts, in particular licence agreements and in relation to the expansion of its business abroad.


  • Second State Exam in Law, Higher Regional Court of Hamburg, 2022
  • Maîtrise en Droit, University Panthéon-Assas Paris II, 2020
  • First State Exam in Law, LMU Munich (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München), 2019
  • Licence en Droit, University Panthéon-Assas Paris II, 2016