European Green Deal

Sustainable Finance

Following the UN2030 deal and the Paris climate agreement, the EU Green Deal has been presented by the Commission as a growth strategy aiming to make Europe the first climate neutral continent by 2050.

As part of the Green Deal, sustainable finance plays a vital role and aims at supporting economic growth while reducing pressures on the environment and taking into account social and governance aspects. The new EU taxonomy for sustainable activities, climate benchmarks and disclosure standards have been created for comparability and transparency of financial instruments which shall be used to deliver on the policy objectives under the Green Deal.

We have invited leading market participants and representatives from institutions to explain their roles in the transition of the finance market and their views on recent changes.

Our keynote speaker is Elina Kamenitzer, Head of Climate Action & Environment Coordination, European Investment Bank.

Furthermore, we are looking forward to hearing from leading market participants and institutions:

  • Dr. Andreas J. Wagner (Head of Value Chain Sustainable Finance, UniCredit)
  • Frank Sibert (Head of Sustainable Business Germany, BNP Paribas)
  • Alexandra Beust (Head of Investor Relations, Federal Finance Agency/Finanzagentur)
  • Götz Michl (Head of Funding & Debt Investor Relations, Deutsche Pfandbriefbank)
  • Tobias Mock (Country Head Germany, Sector Lead Corporates DACH, Managing Director, S&P Global Ratings Europe Limited).
Please note that some of the presentations will be held in English, others in German. These will be translated simultaneously into English. The link to access the English translation will be sent shortly before the event.

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