Pro Bono
| Americas
Collaborating in response to COVID-19
We have been collaborating with partners across Mexico in response to the COVID-19 crisis. Some of the projects we have delivered, include:
- partnering with the Mexican legal community, in collaboration with the Pro Bono Standards México movement, Fundación Appleseed México, Centro Mexicano Pro Bono and, Fundación Barra Mexicana to create a legal guide for the general public and NGOs in relation to COVID-19. The guide gives advice on common legal questions arising from the pandemic. Lawyers from our Mexico City and Monterrey offices worked on topics, including energy, health, contracts, and real estate;
- participating in a virtual roundtable hosted by the Thomson Reuters Foundation to address the key priorities of Responsible Business in the context of COVID-19. We also delivered a workshop to nonprofits regarding labor issues arising from the pandemic; and
- supporting the City Hall of San Pedro Garza García with transitional measures to guarantee the continuity of their sessions during the crisis.
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