IoT in the EU: Lessons from COVID-19, and next steps for liability and regulation

The IoT sector has exploded over the past few years, and, even taking into account the globally inhibitive effects of COVID-19, this growth shows few long-term signs of abating. The buoyant, fast-paced IoT industry was the subject of a webinar, involving a panel of four partners from Hogan Lovells: Valerie Kenyon, Christelle Coslin, Matthias Schweiger, and Salomé Cisnal de Ugarte. Each gave their take on the state of play of IoT across the EU and explored the liability issues that potentially are coming down the line for IoT products.

In this article, we follow up on that webinar by setting out some of the key discussion points from the session. You can find a link to the recording of the webinar here.

Read more: IoT in the EU: Lessons from COVID-19, and next steps for liability and regulation

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