Hogan Lovells Veranstaltungen | 12. April 2023 | 12:30 Uhr - 14:00 Uhr (CET)
Start-up Lunch
Health Data Use 2.0 - Data Act and other new data regulation
You are invited to discuss Health Data Use 2.0 over lunch with friends from the industry and experts from Hogan Lovells.
Let’s have a look at how upcoming data legislation will impact data-driven health (start-up) businesses. We will look in particular at the new amendments on the proposal for the EU Data Act adopted by the European Parliament on 14 March 2023 and the recent legislative plans of the German Ministry of Health on a better and more effective health data use.
The EU Data Act is one of the key pillars of the European strategy for data targeting to make more data available for all industry sectors, inter alia the health sector where data use is a key driver. use in line with EU rules.
In addition, we will evaluate the plans of the German Minister of Health, Prof. Karl Lauterbach, to improve the provision of health services in Germany by using health data more efficiently and improve required technologies in this sector.
We are looking forward to meeting you and have a good and fruitful discussion on these highly topical developments on EU and national level!
Your Hogan Lovells Team
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