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Sean Marotta
Partner Litigation, Arbitration, and Employment
Sean is well-versed in the oil-and-gas industry. He regularly represents interstate pipelines in the courts of appeals challenging and defending decisions of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and state environmental protection agencies. Sean also represents oil-and-gas producers in challenging and defending agency decisions under the Administrative Procedure Act, National Environmental Policy Act, Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act, Mineral Leasing Act, and Endangered Species Act. And Sean represents companies in some of their most-consequential commercial matters, where billions can be on the line, joining trial teams as embedded appellate counsel and leading teams that sift through dense trial records to find the best arguments for appeal.
Sean is a sought-after speaker and commentator on civil procedure issues, including Supreme Court practice, personal jurisdiction, and venue. But Sean goes beyond the academic; he takes his insight and turns it into actionable strategies that give companies the best chance of having their case resolved at an early stage and in a favorable forum.
Sean previously clerked for the Honorable Jane Grall of the New Jersey Superior Court, Appellate Division.
Named Litigator of the Week by the American Lawyer for successfully representing Citibank in recovering $500 million accidentally wired to contractual counterparties.
Represent a real-estate developer in the California Court of Appeal challenging a $6-billion-plus jury verdict, the largest in California state history.
Briefed Holmes v. Winter, an important freedom of the press case holding that a reporter could not be subpoenaed to another state to reveal sources.
Briefed and won an expedited challenge to an EPA final rule relaxing emission standards for a competitor of a major truck manufacturer.
Briefed and won Bristol-Myers Squibb v. Superior Court, a major United States Supreme Court personal-jurisdiction case preventing forum shopping.
Led national appellate strategy for a major automotive manufacturer defending its voluntary electric-vehicle distribution program.
Secured vacatur by the D.C. Circuit of burdensome Pipeline Hazardous Materials Safety Administration standards imposed on interstate pipelines.
Successfully persuaded a Maryland district court to reconsider its order vacating a biological opinion underlying all oil-and-gas development in the Gulf of Mexico.
Successfully represented an interstate pipeline before the Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation and secured a favorable court of appeals forum for actions challenging its FERC certificate.