Victoria (Vicki) C. Brown
Senior Attorney Litigation, Arbitration, and Employment
Insights and events
What links driverless cars, transportation network companies, anti-discrimination laws, and catastrophe modeling? If you guessed correctly, you'll know Victoria Brown's primary practice area - insurance regulation.
For over 25 years, Victoria has represented insurers in regulatory matters spanning administrative proceedings to the California Supreme Court. She has vast experience litigating complex cases concerning insurance rate regulation, proper statutory and regulatory construction, challenges to pricing, billing and underwriting practices, operations and policy form issues, corporate governance, and deceptive practice claims.
Victoria's practice includes representing insurance trade associations on important industry-wide issues. Victoria also advises insurers on regulatory compliance issues and strategic planning for the California market. In addition, she has represented and advised health insurers and health plans on Affordable Care Act issues. She also has advised insurers on directors and officers coverage and claims resolution matters.
Representative experience
Representation of major insurer in In Re Installment Fee Cases, 211 Cal. App. 4th 1395 (2012), which settled important class action and merits issues.
Representation of major insurance trade associations as amici curiae in McCarthy Finance, Inc. v. Premera, 182 Wash. 2d 936 (2015) (en banc).
Representation, advice, and counsel concerning Affordable Care Act and transgender issues.
Advice and counsel concerning California insurance regulatory requirements.
- J.D., University of California, Los Angeles, 1984
- A.B., Stanford University, 1981
- California
- U.S. District Court, Central District of California
- U.S. District Court, Northern District of California