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$name | Americas
In celebration of Earth Day, our offices across the Americas learned about what we can do to protect endangered and declining species. Our Denver office broadcasted a presentation on beekeeping to all of our offices. Attendees learned about the importance of bees and how we as individuals can protect this declining species.
As part of the Earth Day celebration, offices supported local businesses by purchasing and sharing honey produced by local beekeepers and distributing “beebombs,” which are wildflower seeds that attract bees and other pollinators. Bees are a vital component of the planet’s ecosystems, as many species rely on bees to survive. Plants need bees to pollinate, and many species rely on pollination for food sources, habitats, and healthy and viable crops.
Read more about our Earth Day events below.
Beth Conrey, Owner of Bee Squared Apiaries, and Ginny Gibson, a partner in our Philadelphia office and amateur beekeeper, both presented on their beekeeping efforts and how supporting bees can make a positive impact on our planet. This presentation was broadcasted to our offices throughout the Americas.
Our own Tina Larimore, Electronic Billing Analyst (and beekeeper), demonstrated how beekeepers manage their hives and the sustainability of bees to our Louisville office.
We welcomed a member of Bee2Bee Honey Collective to our Houston office for a presentation on the endangered status of bees and their role in our ecosystems.
Los Angeles
Daniel Dauhajre, Oceanographer and Surfrider Foundation volunteer led a lunch and learn event for our volunteers. Daniel presented on everyday actions we can take to tackle climate change and the work Surfrider Foundation is doing to protect our oceans.
Mexico City
Volunteers visited PetStar, the world’s largest plastic bottle recycler, where we learned about the recycling process and how recycling can help combat climate change.
San Francisco
Our San Francisco office putted their way through a mini golf course, with each hole featuring different facts about bees and their importance in our ecosystem.
Silicon Valley
Volunteers from our Silicon Valley office participated in an Earth Day beach clean-up with the San Mateo County Parks and Recreation Department. Our efforts helped to protect marine life from harmful trash in Coyote Point, one of the Bay’s most picturesque beaches.
In Washington, we volunteered with the Arcadia Center for Sustainable Food and Agriculture to build a bee and bird habitat on part of their farm. Our volunteers planted native plants that will support wildlife and attract pollinators, all while increasing Arcadia’s biodiversity and sequestering carbon.
Our annual Earth Day Expo brought together many of our vendors to teach our people about their sustainability initiatives and the ways in which they are making our office habits more sustainable.