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Community Investment | Americas
Our Washington office welcomed nearly 140 diverse high school students from Prince George’s County for a special Law Day program designed to introduce the students to the practice of law. We collaborated with Street Law and the Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) National Capital Region to host the event, bringing in speakers from each organization to share honest perspectives on what it takes to be successful in the legal industry and beyond.
In advance of the event, the students undertook coursework covering basic legal and civic themes, so our mission for the Law Day event was to transform theory into action. Eve Howard and Ari Fitzgerald provided opening remarks, and several other Hogan Lovells lawyers presented on their practice areas, challenges, and lessons learned.
Street Law works to advance justice by empowering people with the, skills, and confidence to bring about positive change for themselves and others. In addition to lawyers from the ACC National Capital Region and representatives from Street Law, we were joined by the Hon. Zoe Bush, judge on the Superior Court of the District of Columbia.