Communicating on progress 2020
Delivering on our commitments to diversity & inclusion, citizenship and sustainability is a strategic priority of the firm. As part of this commitment we are a signatory to the United Nation’s Global Compact (UNGC), the world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative. The UNGC aims to create a global movement of sustainable companies and stakeholders doing business responsibly through alignment of their strategies and operations with the UNGC’s Ten Principles on human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption; and through the advancement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Stakeholders are increasingly demanding that companies have a comprehensive responsible business strategy which is addressed at the most senior levels. A recent UNGC -Accenture CEO Study found that 93% of CEOs agree that sustainability is important to the future with nearly 80% acknowledging that it is a route to competitive advantage in their industry, and 78% recognising that is an opportunity for growth and innovation.
Our annual Communication on Progress (COP) details the steps we have taken towards the Ten Principles and the development of our responsible business practices. COPs encourage open and transparent stakeholder dialogue as part of the responsible business journey, offering the opportunity to assess our own performance, identify opportunities and to create strategies to improve future performance. In it, CEO Miguel Zaldivar sets out his ambitions for Hogan Lovells to be a truly diverse and inclusive firm and a leading responsible business.
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