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Research security program guidelines: more work for federally-funded research institutions

The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) has issued long-awaited Guidelines for Research Security Programs at Covered Institutions (“Guidelines”), which...


HL Pensions NewsBeat: all episodes

Tune into episodes of 'HL Pensions NewsBeat' for a rundown of the last two weeks in pensions industry news. The podcast series provides topical updates for trustees of pension ...


NRC streamlines mandatory hearing process

On July 18, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (“NRC”) approved a new process to help streamline the agency’s mandatory hearings. The new process will go into...


OFAC issues statute of limitations guidance for US sanctions violations and recordkeeping

The US Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control has released guidance following on Congress’ extension of the statute of limitations for violations of...


Optimizing Your Future (Part II): An Update After the Supreme Court’s Landmark Decision in Purdue

The Supreme Court’s landmark decision in Harrington v. Purdue Pharma L.P. – holding that the Bankruptcy Code does not authorize the release of third-party claims against...


EU Second Consumer Credit Directive: Scope and impact for buy-now pay-later (BNPL) providers

Among the changes introduced by the Second Consumer Credit Directive ((EU) 2023/2225) (CCD II) is an expansion of the scope of the current consumer credit regime under Directive 2008/48/EC...


Hong Kong audit regulator says it expects full compliance with laws and regulations

Hong Kong’s audit regulator, the Accounting and Financial Reporting Council (AFRC), says it expects all audit firms and their staff to comply with all relevant laws and regulations...


MiCAR: Bank of Italy's communication

On 22 July 2024, the Bank of Italy issued a communication on MiCAR illustrating its supervisory powers and outlining certain MiCAR aspects and the impact on market players. Bank of Italy...


NIS2 Directive: German government adopts draft NIS2 Implementation Act

The 17 October 2024 deadline for the national implementation of the NIS2 Directive is fast approaching, leaving only little time for the German legislature to finalize the necessary...

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