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Comparative Trademark Tool: Trademark systems in 111 countries

For the 9th year running Hogan Lovells IP practice offers this comparative guide to various requirements in trademark systems across 111 countries and regions around the world. Here's...


TM111 tool: Trademark systems in 111 countries

For the 8th year running - with new content for 2023 - Hogan Lovells IP offers this comparative guide to various requirements in trademark systems across 111 countries/regions around the...


Getting The Deal Through: Automotive 2021

For the fifth time, we have collaborated with Lexology to publish Getting the Deal Through: Automotive, our market overview of key issues in the automotive industry covering 19 countries....

Insights and Analysis

Data class actions guide

Does your processing of personal data fall within the scope of the GDPR? Are you ready to defend potential data-related litigation – in particular, data class actions?


Getting The Deal Through: Automotive 2020

The drive towards the future of mobility and COVID-19 have made the fourth publication of Getting the Deal Through - Automotive a special edition. It not only explores the particularities...


Russia PTO: New Rospatent Rules come into force on 6 September 2020

New Rules for consideration of oppositions and related IP cases by the Russian Patent and Trademark Office (Rospatent) enter into force on 6 September 2020 replacing Rospatent’s rules ...

Insights and Analysis

Russia: Pre-installed Russian software - mandatory from 2021?

While the Russian software development sector is strengthening, the Russian regulator comes up with new initiatives. Among such initiatives is the requirement on pre-installation of Russian ...


New draft law on blocking of mobile applications with IP infringing content passed by Russian Parliament

On June 2, 2020 the Federation Council of Russia, the upper house of Russian Parliament, approved a bill proposing amendments to the Law on Information, Information Security and Information ...


Russian regulatory trends in the pharma industry in light of the outbreak of COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted every industry, causing global economic changes and, consequently, extensive legislative amendments. There are no doubts that the pharmaceutical industry...

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