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New Reform on labor exploitation

On June 8, 2024, a significant reform on labor exploitation came in to force under the General Law to Prevent, Punish and Eradicate Crimes related to Trafficking in Persons and the...

Insights and Analysis

REPSE Renewal is coming up.

The Ministry of Labor announces renewal process for specialized services providers (REPSE).

Insights and Analysis

Minimum Wage Increase of 20% in Mexico by 2024

The minimum wage in Mexico will reach $374.89 pesos per day in the Northern Border Zone and $248.93 pesos per day in the rest of the country starting next year.


The Mexico Supreme Court issues a criterion regarding the 2021 subcontracting reform and its application.

In recent days, the Mexican Supreme Court of Justice ruled on the constitutionality of the Labor Reform on Subcontracting Matters, effective as of April 2021, and issued an important...


The Mexican official standard regarding remote work (home office) NOM-037-STPS-2023 is published.

On June 8, 2023, NOM-037-STPS-2023 ("NOM-037"), Remote work - Occupational health and safety conditions was published in the Federal Official Gazette and will become effective as...


Legislative initiative in Mexico to modify working hours to 40 hours per week.

The Mexican Congress approved a ruling to amend Article 123 of the Constitution and establish that employees have the right to two days of rest per week. In other words, the weekly workday...


Mexico's Sustainable Taxonomy is presented by the Minister of Finance and Public Credit

The Taxonomy stands out worldwide for its comprehensive approach to sustainability, which incorporates both environmental and social dimensions in its central design; it aims to promote the ...


Mexico | Artificial Intelligence as a tool for sustainability

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the combination of algorithms designed with the purpose of creating machines that present the same capabilities of human beings for decision making, problem...


Nearshoring, an opportunity for companies in Mexico

As a result of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (“UMSCA”) over the next years, incentives for nearshoring to Mexico will remain high for companies doing business in the ...

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