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Insights and Analysis

English High Court considers claim by APP fraud victim against receiving bank

The High Court has considered, at summary stage, whether the victim of an authorised push payment (APP) fraud could pursue the receiving bank for recovery of his losses, arguing breach of...

Insights and Analysis

English High Court considers unjust enrichment claim by APP fraud victim against receiving bank

The High Court has considered, at summary stage, whether the victim of an authorised push payment (APP) fraud effected by an international bank transfer could pursue the receiving bank for...

Insights and Analysis

APP fraud: Are UK banks facing an increased risk of litigation?

In an unwelcome turn for victims of authorised push payment (APP) fraud, the English Supreme Court, in the 2023 case of Philipp v Barclays Bank UK PLC, held that the Quincecare Duty – ...

Insights and Analysis

English High Court considers a new “retrieval duty” on banks

The High Court has considered whether, in the context of an authorised push payment (APP) fraud, the paying bank and the receiving bank owe a duty to the victim of the fraud to retrieve the ...

Insights and Analysis

UK FCA publishes findings on firms’ treatment of Politically Exposed Persons

The FCA has published findings from its review into the treatment of politically exposed persons (“PEPs”). As part of measures introduced by the Financial Services and Markets...


Final DORA level 2 regulation published

The three European Supervisory Authorities (EBA, EIOPA and ESMA) published the second batch of level 2 rules under the Digital Operational Resilience Act (“DORA”) on 17 July...


The Payments Newsletter including Digital Assets & Blockchain, July 2024

Key developments of interest over the last month include: the Bank of Italy’s communication on unauthorised payment transactions; the Reserve Bank of Australia’s announcement of ...


UK: King’s Speech 2024: Key takeaways for financial services

On 17 July 2024, the King’s Speech and associated background briefing notes were presented and published. These contain a summary of the new government’s plans, including a...


Launching our Digital Transformation Academy: interactive insights

Our Academy provides the resources, tools and insights needed to thrive in today’s digital world.

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