2024-2025 Global AI Trends Guide
Sponsorships and Speaking Engagements | 9-10 September 2022
On Friday, 9 September, 2022, Washington, D.C. partner Cybil Roehrenbeck will be a speaking during the “Medicolegal implications of AI: How careful should we be?” session at the 2022 CGIT Innovation Conference held in Bethesda, MD. Cybil will discuss legal issues surrounding bringing artificial intelligence tools into a gastrointestinal (GI) practice.
This invitation-only conference will be held in-person from 9-10 September, 2022 in Bethesda, MD and will convene seasoned clinical and scientific professionals, industry leaders, payors, FDA representatives, and AGA leadership with the purpose of exploring the promise of artificial intelligence in gastroenterology, anticipating the barriers to clinical adoption, and identifying the potential solutions to overcoming these barriers. If you would like to attend, please e-mail [email protected].