2024-2025 Global AI Trends Guide
Dr. Thomas Dörmer
Partner Corporate & Finance
German, English
Another strong sector focus includes digital infra such as data centers and fiber networks. Thomas also has a considerable track record in the area of waste and waste management systems. He frequently advises national and international clients such as sponsors, banks and financial investors on their most complex deals and legal questions.
Advising Interzero, Europe’s leading recycling and circular economy services provider, on a partnership with digital waste management and recycling platform Resourcify and the launch of their new joint service “Zero Waste Manager.”*
Advising Qualitas Energy on the acquisition of DunoAir Windpark Planung GmbH, the German onshore wind development business of DunoAir.*
Advising Slate Asset Management, the global alternative investment platform for material assets, on the acquisition of a majority stake in amperio GmbH (“amperio”).*
Advising Q-Energy on the acquisition of a portfolio of 16 wind parks in Germany (total capacity 109 MW) from MEAG.*
Advising Harder Renewables on the sale of a limited partnership interest in Nordgröön, a trader and marketing company for renewable energy, and energy service provider in Northern Germany.*
Advising fiber optic network operator TNG on a EUR 73 Mio. financing by a European banking consortium for fiber optic network roll-out in rural areas in northern and western Germany.*
Advising Commerz Real on the acquisition of a 49.9% stake in a wind farm portfolio held and operated by EnBW in Germany and consisting of 14 wind farms with 47 wind turbines (total capacity 133 MW) for Commerz Real’s “Impact Fund klimaVest.”*
Advising Intermediate Capital Group (ICG) on the acquisition of a majority stake in the fiber optic network operator TNG.*
Advising Infracapital on the acquisition of all shares in fiber network operator Breitbandversorgung Deutschland (BBV).*
Advising a financial investor on the proposed acquisition of the fiber network operator GVG Glasfaser GmbH (auction process).*
Advising Creos Deutschland Holding on the acquisition of all shares in STEAG Netz GmbH in a bidding process.*
Advising Chubu Electric Power and Mitsubishi UFJ Lease & Finance on the acquisition of participations in two offshore TSOs, which operate the offshore HVDC-transmission lines BorWin 1, BorWin 2, DolWin 2 and HelWin 2.*
Advising ALBA Group on the investment of the Techcent-owning family Deng in the ALBA Group.*
Advising Vestas Group on the acquisition of a 25.1% minority stake in SOWITEC group GmbH.*
Advising a financial Investor on the proposed acquisition of the tank storage operator UNITANK.*
*Matter handled prior to joining Hogan Lovells.