Area of focus

Transportation Safety

Transporting hazardous materials by truck, railroad, aircraft, marine vessels, and pipelines requires strict adherence to:

  • Hazardous Materials Regulations issued by the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) of the Department of Transportation (DOT)
  • Modal regulations of the Federal Aviation, Highway, and Railroad Administrations
  • International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code
  • ICAO and IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations

We advise and defend clients on their hazardous...

Representative experience

Advising six clients on the complex rules governing lithium battery transportation, from large car batteries to button cells, and obtained 12 special permits and approvals for such shipments.

Obtained from PHMSA a first-ever special permit exemption from hazardous materials regulation for bulk shipments of vinegar.

Representing several automobile manufacturers involved in the Takata airbag safety crisis, filing required reports, providing regulatory counsel, consulting with NHTSA officials, and negotiating recall parameters.

Advising companies on cutting-edge issues related to autonomous driving, including state and federal regulatory developments, incident investigations, and treatment of emerging technologies.

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