Our public international law team, which is co-led from Paris, London, and Washington, D.C., is cognizant of the large and growing role that the field plays in the decision-making of sovereign states. Further, disputes between investors and states have increased in their complexity and importance.

Our public international law team has secured major successes in international trade, investment treaty, and commercial disputes before the WTO, the United Nations, the World Bank, and other international institutions.

We also act on sanctions, human rights, and export control matters and are consistently ranked by the market on public international law matters.

Representative experience

The Slovak Republic, against Achmea in the CJEU, achieving a landmark judgement on investor-state arbitration clauses.

Edenred in favourable ICSID annulment proceedings initiated by Hungary on the basis of European law and the ECJ’s Achmea ruling in the context of a global controversy concerning the new EU investment policy.

Governments and private sector clients in several WTO disputes, including with respect to the GATT and the TRIPS.

An international organization regarding ICC proceedings being brought against it by one of its contractors in relation to the provision of transportation services in support of the military forces.

The Government of Mongolia in an UNCITRAL arbitration concerning an alleged expropriation of licenses for uranium exploration and exploitation.

The Republic of Venezuela in two ICSID arbitrations relating to the alleged expropriation of companies in the coffee and fertilizer industries.

The government of Vietnam in three investment treaty disputes across multiple sectors, including health, food, and tourism.