Hogan Lovells Veranstaltungen | 6. März 2024 | 8:30 Uhr - 10:00 Uhr (CET)
Start-up Breakfast
Protecting Business Secrets from Ideation to Exit
Business secrets are the lifeblood of start-up companies, they drive innovation, grant competitive advantages and disrupt industries. Consequently, the scenario of an employee walking away with crucial trade secrets to set up a rival venture is a nightmare of any founder. But what are the consequences if an employee steals trade secrets? And what are the best countermeasures for your start-up?
Join us for our next session of our Start-up Lunch Series, where we delve into the intersections of labor law and intellectual property rights, especially focusing on the ramifications of trade secret theft by employees:
- Understanding the Threat: We'll kick off with a brief overview of IP rights and the significance of trade secrets for start-ups and the frequency of theft incidents. How susceptible is your start-up?
- Proactive Measures: Beyond understanding the consequences, learn how you can safeguard your business. We’ll discuss best practices, non-compete clauses, and more.
- Labor Law Consequences: Discover the legal ramifications for employees who cross the line. From warnings to termination of employment contracts, we’ll cover how the law protects businesses from internal threats.
- IP Consequences of Trade Secret Theft: Delve deeper into the intellectual property realm as we explain the avenues available to protect and reclaim stolen trade secrets.
- The Road to Litigation: Is it worth to fight a legal battle and to proceed to court? We'll discuss the steps involved, from filing a lawsuit to evidence collection and the potential for settlements.
Be equipped, be informed, and ensure that your trade secrets remain just that – a secret. Protect your start-up’s future.
We are looking forward to meeting you and have a casual breakfast and a fruitful discussion.
Your Hogan Lovells team
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