Webinare | 14. April 2021 | 13:00 Uhr - 14:00 Uhr (CET)
The practical impacts of Brexit on jurisdiction and the cross-border enforcement of judgments
As part of the Hogan Lovells Pan-European Financial Institutions Brexit Webinar Series we would like to invite you to a panel discussion addressing the practical impacts of Brexit on jurisdiction and the cross-border enforcement of judgments on Wednesday, 14 April 2021.
Brexit has changed the way that English judgments are enforced in the EU27 and vice versa. It also has implications for where disputes involving English and EU litigants are heard. Our panel will unpack the regimes now in place that determine these issues in a number of key European jurisdictions and explore the practical implications that have been at the forefront of our clients’ minds. These include the impact of these changes on the selection of jurisdiction clauses in contracts and on current litigation strategies.
We hope you can join us.
Click here to register for this event
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