
COVID-19 Update: FDA and TTB Response to Increased Demand for Alcohol-Based Hand Sanitizer Production


As the novel coronavirus crisis continues to escalate, the demand for hygienic products such as hand sanitizer has dramatically increased. 

In response, many businesses, such as food and industrial and beverage alcohol manufacturers, are seeking to produce alcohol-based hand sanitizers using certain food grade materials, or to produce alcohol to be used in production of such sanitizers. In recent days, federal agencies such as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) have relaxed certain regulatory requirements for the production of alcohol-based hand sanitizers, in part, to respond to the call for food grade materials in such hand sanitizer products. This post provides a brief overview of the recently issued guidance, reflecting updates made to the FDA policies as of March 27 and to the TTB policies as of March 26.

Click here to read more. 


Authored by Martin Hahn, Joe Levitt, David Horowitz, Veronica Colas, and Brendan Quinn.

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