Carve outs, Divestments and Spin-Offs – How to Sell Businesses and Assets​

In 2021 we saw an increasing number of carve out transactions as businesses spun off non-core or non-performing businesses or sold businesses to obtain capital for other activities. These types of transactions continue to accelerate as companies emerge from the Covid-19 pandemic. This live webinar will deal with structuring considerations and discuss many of the key issues that need to be solved in a carve-out transactions, with focus on the US, UK and Japanese markets, as well as cross-border coordination.

The webinar will cover in particular:

  • Principal structuring considerations
  • Interface between the carve-out and the sale or spin-off process
  • Key legal issues that frequently arise in the context of carve out transactions in these markets, and recommended solutions
  • Possible pit-falls in carve-out transactions and how to avoid them

There will be a question-and-answer period and you will be able to submit questions online during the webinar. If you would like to send questions in advance (in Japanese or English), please do so when you register.

Click here to register your interest 

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