Area of focus

Business Restructuring and Tax

The financial crisis is not fully behind us. Restructurings and insolvencies are still with us and are becoming more complicated. For some, this is a time of great opportunity and growth requiring internal reshuffling to create a platform for expansion. You need clear guidance. A practical approach to dealing with tax...

Representative experience

Advised Colony Financial in its acquisition of Colony Capital and internalization of management.

Counseled Abengoa in the tax aspects of its project to centralize its IP and R&D activities in its Abengoa Research division.

Represented Euler Hermes in the tax aspects of its joint venture with Mapfre to form 'Solunion' and on the subsequent group reorganization.

Represented Straumur-Burdaras Investment Bank on the €2.3bn restructuring of creditor claims pursuant to an Icelandic court-approved composition agreement.

Advised Crédit Agricole on the tax issues surrounding the reorganization of its insurance and reinsurance activities across Europe and Asia.

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