
Reimagining Real Estate: Repurposing buildings to residential use in the U.S., England and Germany


In this third piece in our new series on reimagining real estate, Hannah Quarterman, Ross Moskowitz, Sabine Adams and Damian Sternberg explore the key drivers for repurposing buildings to residential use from other uses in England, the US and Germany. They explore the key considerations to consider if you are switching to residential use in those jurisdictions, what are the planning permission considerations, have there been any key changes and what are the challenges and opportunities to be aware of?

To find out more please click on this link to our new Horizons video:

We are seeing an increase in the conversion of commercial buildings to residential uses, responding to the growing demand for housing and the need to repurpose buildings that have become obsolete. Any change of use will require analysis of the relevant local regulations to ascertain steps which need to be taken as the process varies by jurisdiction. Our global team of real estate and planning lawyers would be very happy to guide you along this path and assist you in this area.



Authored by Stella Bliss and Ingrid Stables.

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