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Last November, the Spanish Data Protection Authority (Spanish DPA) published its new Guidelines on the Use of Cookies within the framework of the GDPR and Spanish E-privacy rules. however, it went a bit further and distinguished itself from the general rule: the Spanish DPA considered that the “by browsing the website you accept the use of cookies” mechanism was acceptable. Less than a year afterwards, the Spanish DPA has stepped down and updated the Guidelines.
We already had the opportunity to describe the main highlights of the Guidelines on the Use of Cookies (Guidelines) in Engage. The content of the Guidelines has not changed much in comparison to last year's version, and the Guidelines still provide for the following information:
The update of the Guidelines focuses on point 3 above, and is justified in the EDPB's own update of the Guidelines 05/2020 on consent earlier this year (which one may discuss it was not a mind-blowing update). In particular, these are the main changes that, for the Spanish market and based on the original Guidelines, are indeed material:
The English version of the old Guidelines can be found here.
The Spanish DPA has given a 3 month truce (until October 31) for companies to adapt their websites, apps, etc., to the new criteria.
Authored by Santiago de Ampuero.