
The Future of International Data Transfers


With the current focus on the coming into effect of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), one could (almost) be forgiven for forgetting about the question of international data flows. However, given the political and legal developments currently affecting the future of international data transfers, that would be a very serious strategic mistake.

Legitimising data globalisation remains a top business priority in our uber-digitised world. The coming of age of cloud-based services, the continuous advance of mobile communications and the push by developed and developing countries to reach a global market have made international data transfers more essential than ever. At the same time, the level of regulation affecting those transfers is becoming more impenetrable and politically charged.

Against this background, what are the issues that need to be taken into account to develop a solid global data flows legal strategy? Eduardo Ustaran examines the future of international data transfers in this article for Privacy & Data Protection Journal.


Authored by Eduardo Ustaran




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