
FDA Releases Draft Strategic Priorities Plan for 2014-2018


The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has released for public comment a draft strategic priorities plan for 2014-2018 (“the Plan”).

Every four year years, FDA reviews its strategic priorities for the coming years. Strategic plans highlight agency-wide themes and areas of focus that in turn drive development and emphasis of specific program areas. The strategic plan identifies five cross-cutting priorities that intersect with four mission goals. The priorities center around developing a more robust, nimble, and scientifically based regulatory framework to address 21st century public health challenges. Although the Plan identifies few specific programs, it demonstrates the types of initiatives the agency can be expected to prioritize in the near-to-mid future. Below we summarize FDA’s proposed priorities and goals as they pertain to the food industry.

Click here to read more.



Authored by Joe Levitt and Brian Eyink.


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