Trump Administration Executive Order (EO) Tracker
The risk of disclosure of sensitive business information significantly increases with more employees working remotely due to COVID-19 as information is accessed outside the office.
Employers should have policies for use of company computer systems and emails, limiting and/or controlling access to the company’s confidential documents and information. Employees should be reminded of those policies, particularly those that apply to remote work. For example:
Employers, for their part, should restrict network access for network locations that only certain segments of employees need to use, with appropriate security for those locations.
It is also prudent to reiterate to employees their broader ongoing obligations to maintain confidentiality of the company’s sensitive business information, and to only use company equipment and networks for company business.
For further information on trade secrets protection please refer to our Global Trade Secrets Guide 2020 under the related publications link to the right of this text. Contacts are listed by country/ jurisdiction within the guide for further guidance.
Authored by Tej Singh and Steven Levitan