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The FCA has just published its Strategy for the next three years, together with its 2022/23 Business Plan. In a continuation of the drive for the FCA to become more innovative, assertive and adaptive, both publications reflect the move to an operating model that, as explained by Chief Executive Nikhil Rathi, focuses ‘more on the problem in front of us rather than simply addressing types of firms or sectors’. With a number of major regulatory changes such as the new Consumer Duty already on the horizon (or even closer), firms should also be prepared for new regulatory initiatives to be introduced at an increased pace as a result of the FCA’s agile operating model.
In order to adapt and collaborate, internally and externally, to face the threats and opportunities of a constantly changing world, the FCA is changing its operating model to focus more on the (often cross-cutting) issues it encounters than on simply addressing types of firms or sectors.
To this end, the Strategy sets out three key areas of strategic focus:
The commitments set out in the Strategy support the key areas of focus, joining up the FCA’s resources and tools across sectors to deliver measurable outcomes over the next three years. The commitments reflect how the FCA prioritises so it can have the greatest impact.
The commitments explain, at a high level, what the FCA aims to deliver by 2025. The Business Plan explains in more detail the actions it will take in 2022/23 to address the commitments under each key area of focus (see below under ‘Business Plan 2022/23’).
There are four overarching consumer and wholesale market outcomes the FCA expects from financial services, which cut across all the markets and sectors it regulates. These are:
The FCA will review these outcomes over time to ensure they remain suitable. Through the Treasury’s regulatory review of financial services, the Government has proposed a new secondary long-term growth objective for the FCA. It expects to incorporate an outcome that aligns with this objective, if confirmed.
The Strategy also emphasises that a diverse and inclusive industry is central to achieving the outcomes the FCA expects from financial services.
The FCA acknowledges that it is publishing its Business Plan against an uncertain and rapidly changing economic and geopolitical backdrop, so it may have to adapt its plans during the year. It believes that its approach of focusing more on end outcomes, and working across sectors and markets, makes it better able to respond to new issues and macroeconomic challenges as they arise. The FCA also emphasises its ongoing collaboration with a range of domestic partners, as well as global bodies, to tackle current issues and deliver its objectives.
Previously, the FCA structured its activities around the sectors it regulates. To align with the Strategy and the four consistent overarching consumer and wholesale market outcomes it expects financial services to deliver, this Business Plan details the work the FCA will carry out this year under each of the 13 commitments from the Strategy.
The FCA has also streamlined its work to consist of six core regulatory activities that capture 'start-to-finish' regulation of financial services markets: authorise firms and individuals; set rules and standards; support competition and innovation; empower consumers and firms; recognise and reduce harm; and take quick and effective action.
The FCA has grouped its commitments into the three areas of focus from the Strategy, with the work done under these areas helping to create the conditions for financial services to deliver its expected outcomes:
Reducing and preventing serious harm
The emphasis is on protecting consumers from the harm that authorised firms can cause, including tackling fraud and poor treatment. Here, the FCA’s activities for the next year will focus on the following commitments:
The FCA gives its work on high-cost credit as an example of what it’s been doing (and continues to do) to reduce and prevent serious harm to consumers.
Setting and testing higher standards
Here, the focus will be on the impact that authorised firms’ actions have on consumers and markets. The FCA expects all firms it regulates to adopt the same high standards, and have an open and cooperative approach. Here, the FCA’s activities for the next year will focus on the following commitments:
The FCA gives its work on lifetime mortgages and consumer investments as examples of what it’s been doing (and continues to do) to set and test higher standards.
Promoting competition and positive change
The FCA wants to use competition as a force for better consumer and market outcomes. It will support UK growth and innovation that serves its society, underpinned by widely recognised and respected high standards. Here, the FCA’s activities for the next year will focus on the following commitments:
The FCA gives its work on crypto and asset management and non-bank finance as examples of what it’s doing to promote competition and positive change. On crypto, following publication of the Treasury’s response to the January 2021 consultation on cryptoasset regulation, the FCA will consider its regime for stablecoins used as payments and is planning to consult later this year. Take a look at this Engage article for more on the Treasury’s consultation response.
The FCA makes the point that the four priorities from its 2021/22 Business Plan still remain fundamentally important to it and it continues to reflect them in the commitments this year. For example, its previous priorities relating to 'ensuring consumer credit markets work well' and 'making payments safe and accessible' are in line with its new commitment on 'putting consumers’ needs first'.
The FCA points to the twice yearly Regulatory Initiatives Grid from the Financial Services Regulatory Initiatives Forum for the details of its planned regulatory programme.
Both the Strategy and the Plan highlight some of the FCA’s specific work at an operational level to become more innovative, assertive and adaptive, and to help it achieve its commitments. This includes becoming a data-led regulator. The FCA will publish its Data Strategy in the coming months. Other work includes exploring the use of synthetic data sets to test financial crime controls, and how it can use advanced analytical techniques, such as machine learning and AI, for its own supervisory and enforcement activities. Building on the recent final report of the AI Public-Private Forum, the FCA will publish a discussion paper on AI later this year.
On the supervisory and enforcement front, there is a continuing emphasis on acting more assertively and testing the limits of its powers, for example by taking action against risky firms to send a clear signal to others putting consumers at risk; improve now or you’re next.
The FCA will also continue to adapt its approach to meet new challenges. One of the specific examples given here is cryptoasset regulation, where it is working with government and other partners to develop its regulatory approach for cryptoassets – including stablecoins – so that it can balance innovation and competition with the need for orderly markets and consumer protection.
For the first time, the FCA will hold itself accountable against published outcomes and performance metrics.
In another first for the FCA, it has also published a document setting out how it provides public or societal value by providing quantified estimates of the positive impact of a subset of its activities, namely its policy interventions and its enforcement work. It describes demonstrating the positive impact of the FCA and its activities as ‘an important part of being accountable to the public’.
The FCA has also published the annual fees consultation paper setting out what fees it will charge for the next financial year (2022/23). The consultation closes on 12 May 2022.
The FCA emphasises that both the Strategy and the Business Plan will be kept under review so that it is adapting to important changes. For example, it expects the rising cost of living and the Russian invasion of Ukraine to have a lasting impact.
As it reviews and decides the actions it will take in coming years, it will apply the prioritisation principles it has used to develop its Strategy – the scale of potential or actual harm and its ability to mitigate it, and the urgency of the concern or opportunity.
If you would like to discuss any aspect of the FCA’s Strategy or Business Plan, please get in touch with one of the listed lawyers or your usual Hogan Lovells contact.
Authored by Julie Patient and Virginia Montgomery.