
Aerospace & Defense Insights | Part 1: Proposed cybersecurity FAR rules for U.S. government contractors


Through Aerospace & Defense Insights, we share with you the top legal and political issues affecting the aerospace and defense (A&D) industry. Our A&D industry team monitors the latest developments to help our clients stay in front of issues before they become problems, and seize opportunities in a timely manner.

On October 3, 2023, the FAR Council issued two proposed FAR rules addressing (1) the standardization of cybersecurity contractual requirements across Federal Agencies for unclassified Federal information systems (FAR Case 2021-019), and (2) cyber threats and incident reporting and information sharing requirements for government contractors (FAR Case 2021-017). These rules implement portions of President Biden’s May 2021 Executive Order (EO) No. 14,028, Improving the Nation’s Cybersecurity (previously discussed here). Industry has until December 4, 2023, to comment on these rules.

Part 1 of this A&D Insights covers one of two proposed Federal Acquisition Regulation(FAR) council rules on cybersecurity—Standardizing Cybersecurity Requirements for Unclassified Federal Information Systems.




Authored by Stacy Hadeka, Mike Scheimer, and Mike Mason.


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