Webinar one: Prepare for global data class actions

In the wake of the COVID-19 epidemic, there is an unfortunate increase in the cyber-security risks businesses may face. Our global team will help you best prepare for the uncertain times ahead of us.

Following the launch of our Data class actions guide, we are hosting a series of three webinars to dive into key updates in this fast-changing area of litigation.

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the laws that implement it into Member States' national laws (where applicable) have raised the risks of actions seeking collective redress for data breaches or non-compliance with privacy requirements, but there are steps you can take to prepare.

The webinar series kicked off with a general overview of data class actions in the United States, Europe, Mexico, and Russia. Our integrated, cross-border team has developed practical solutions to best help you prepare for both regulatory investigations and the growing risk worldwide.

Keep your eyes peeled for more information on our webinar series.

Listen Here: Prepare for global data class actions

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