Events and webinars

(Post) M&A Disputes: Earn-out clauses in times of COVID-19

Corporate Litigation Webinar

D&O liability risks due to cyber attacks

Corporate Litigation Webinar

Extended liability risks for managing directors under the new SanInsFoG (in Germany)

Corporate Litigation Webinar

Corporate Litigation Webinar - Pacta sunt servanda - also applicable in M&A contracts and in times of COVID-19?

Our German Corporate Litigation team regularly hosts webinars on different corporate litigation topics.

Manager Liability risks in case of COVID-19 infections at work

Our German Corporate Litigation team regularly hosts webinars on different corporate litigation topics.

The impact of Brexit on corporate litigation and Investor-State disputes

Our German Corporate Litigation team regularly hosts webinars on different corporate litigation topics.

Shareholder Activism

Our German Corporate Litigation team regularly hosts webinars on different corporate litigation topics.

Competition Litigation Webinar: 2019: Year in Review

Our German Competition Litigation team regularly hosts webinars on legal hot topics.

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